Christmas in July

This Christmas in July, help us raise 40,000 meals for our neighbors in need.
The Food Pantry serves Bastrop County residents in their time of crisis. In 2020, the Food Pantry served 3,133 individuals with emergency food and support services. At the behest of the County, they partnered with Bastrop County Long Term Recovery to provide at-risk seniors with emergency food delivered to their homes. They also expanded their NIBBLES program to provide out-of-school-time food to students at four local schools. The staff also provided rent and utility assistance to residents to prevent homelessness and utility shut-off. Through it all, the Food Pantry was there. But they need your help. As you know, the Bastrop County Emergency Food Pantry canceled this year’s February Bastrop Empty Bowl. The loss of income from the Bastrop Empty Bowl leaves the Food Pantry in need of help from the community that always gives so generously during the event. The Pandemic left many of our neighbors wondering where their next meal will come from. This July the Food Pantry asks the community to give the gift of meals during their Christmas in July celebration. Please consider making a gift to help the Food Pantry raise 40,000 meals. Your support will make a difference in the lives of the individuals and families that would go hungry without the services the Food Pantry provides.
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